⚡️If you are a highly driven growth-minded professional ranging from 'I have an idea', to an emerging entrepreneur, to a CEO who's ready to expand your team, or an employee who works for one, the MYOB Podcast is definitely for you. Featuring conversations aimed at inspiring new ways you can redesign your business & your life that will create more time, freedom, and power than you ever thought possible. Join us as we discuss strategies that will help you to Mind Your Own Business, all while not taking ourselves too seriously. There's a little bit of all things business in here, designed to simplify and set your life up for success; from marketing to operations, sales & finance, to mindset & self-care.
Friday May 27, 2022
Who is in Your Network of Contribution?
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
What would it look like to create being part of a community where you’re going to engage in important conversations about the world and about business?
Many of us have communities of people in different areas of our life that we experience real contribution from. That could be a yoga community, or a friend group where you experience connection and growth, or a faith community. But as it relates to business, that kind of community is really missing for most people (especially in large organizations). On this episode we invite you to start to engage in what it looks like to create a Network of Contribution.
A Network of Contribution is the antithesis of what a normal network community is. Let’s start with what it’s not. Is it not code for “I’m going to find some business”. It is not made of convenience (where you’re giving opinions). It is not cheap. It is not that we show up and talk business goals.
Rather, it is one where like-minded ambitious professionals grow together and work things out together. Where you Invest energy and real thinking. You invest yourself, your time, and together you discover new pathways and new accesses.
Creating a Network of Contribution Is:
✔️Not in the world of transactional
✔️Not a short term business goal
✔️Access to invention
✔️A place where you bring real value
✔️You Investing yourself and your time
✔️Built on a shared commitment that is significant
- How do you become part of a Network of contribution?
- Contribution vs. Convenience
- How evolution occurs
- Your commitment over time and how it evolves
- Breakthroughs vs. Evolution (connected to a commitment and engaged with over time)
- Ah Ha’s and Integration
- Fundamental Concerns of Being Human
00:00 - Intro
01:00 - What is a Network of Contribution?
10:52 - What is the Autonomy Course?
24:04 - The dopamine hit we get from breakthroughs
26:27 - Glamorous Action - *George Leonard - on Mastery
26:52 - Long periods of monotony, then breakthrough, followed by long periods of monotony
27:00 - Why am I doing this, and what my ultimate intent?
27:55 - What’s fundamentally important to being human?
“A big thing missing for business owners and leaders, they have no place to go to really talk, and to hear themselves think, and to work things out.” - Jeff Willmore
Contact Info:
Jeff Willmore (IG, LinkedIn, FB) & Richard Condon (IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@jeff_willmore & @rgcondon
Reinventing Entrepreneurship, Reimagining Career, Discovering Connection
Elizabeth Upton (on IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@myobpodcast, @elizabethuptoncoaching
Original music by Adrian Vaca (on IG, FB)
TRT: 32:33
Friday May 13, 2022
How Trust Informs Our Business with Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
To trust involves this risk of vulnerability, being betrayed, hurt, heartbroken…all of it. We don’t have to look far to discover experiences that have trained us to be distrusting. There are countless examples of it. So, what is one to do? Join us as we look at trust in all facets of our lives and business. We look at how it is the foundation for creating alliances, partnerships, getting complete, and creating our futures. Can trust really be an access to unpredictable and extraordinary results?
- Trust as a self preservation method
- Trust as a living breathing thing
- Distinguishing trust from an ontological perspective
- Giving trust with eyes wide open
- Trust as a foundation for creating alliances, partnerships, getting complete, and creating futures
Contact Info:
Jeff Willmore (IG, LinkedIn, FB) & Richard Condon (IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@jeff_willmore & @rgcondon
Reinventing Entrepreneurship, Reimagining Career, Discovering Connection
Elizabeth Upton (on IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@myobpodcast, @elizabethuptoncoaching
Original music by Adrian Vaca (on IG, FB)
TRT: 55:13
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Why Slowing Down is a New Access for Performance with Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Summary: Join us while we discuss what it means to really slow down and how that simple act, can profoundly impact our lives and our businesses. Together we look at the paradox; you have to slow down to speed up. It’s no wonder that in the Buddhist tradition, it’s called the ‘sacred act of pausing’. We invite you to take the next week and slow down and see what happens for you.
- Our brains are not designed to slow down
- A new access for performance
- Beginning to start a practice for yourself
- Paradox: You have to slow down to speed up
- The power of Intent
“If I’m not slowing down, I’m missing out on life. In the Buddhist tradition it’s called the ‘sacred act of pausing’.”
“With alignment comes unpredictable results, flow, power, velocity”
“The moment you connect, that moment is no longer mundane.”
“Very rarely are we present to and articulating, ok, here, what is my intention?"
00:00 - Intro
01:11 - What is it that you’re always reminding us to slow down
02:40 - Our brains are not designed to slow down
03:31 - The way things occur for champions - gives us a new access for performance
04:40 - Everyone is “too busy to…”
04:50 - Slowing down beyond moments of challenge & difficulty
06:20 - making choices that align me with what’s most important to me, vs. just react, react, react….
07:00 - Beginning to start a practice for yourself …Just STOP
08:26 - 100 mile per hour serve
10:10 - The way the ball occurred
13:40 - Paradox: You have to slow down to speed up
15:23 - What happens when you slow down
17:30 - recognition and how things happen in conversations
29:25 - Why live an aligned life?
19:45 - Challenge: Take the next week and slow down. See what happens for you. Take several moments a day and STOP for a moment and connect with yourself.
21:19 - There’s nothing worse than the realization that “I missing my life. The thing about it you got to be there for it.”
22:00 - Slowing down in the business world; inquire into what is my intention for what I’m about to do.
Contact Info:
Jeff Willmore (IG, LinkedIn, FB) & Richard Condon (IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@jeff_willmore & @rgcondon
Reinventing Entrepreneurship, Reimagining Career, Discovering Connection
Elizabeth Upton (on IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@myobpodcast, @elizabethuptoncoaching
Original music by Adrian Vaca (on IG, FB)
TRT: 27:34
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Discover & Articulate Your Calling with Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
- Gain access to aspects of your life that are hidden from view
- Being unique in the marketplace
- Discover 3 fundamental principles
- Ultimate Intent & Your Calling
- Ways to find Joy inside the world of business
- An intro into "The Forcefield of Business"
- Common vs. Uncommon Knowledge
00:00 - Intro
01:11 - What is uncommon knowledge?
02:30 - 1) Inquiring authentically and deeply into a subject. 2) Rooted in your own commitment to evolve, invent, or reinvent your career or business (or your entire industry) to live true to something you’ve committed to.
06:11 - When you’re willing to do the work and the thinking to access your own unique vision, we found most professionals have a vision but they haven’t been able to articulate it.
07:15 - “Give language to something that’s beyond language”.
08:54 - Why would you want to be unique in the marketplace?
12:33 - 3 fundamental principles - intention, architecture, and environment (not from what your company does, but from why does your company exist)
15:14 -Ultimate intent - what does your company exist for? Infusing the world in which that company exists. Hint: It starts with your life.
17:00 - Your calling - what are you saying is the ultimate intent of your life?
20:00 - Ex: Joy in the world of business inside of a Noodle Co.
23:16 - Connecting to your heart and soul - and then having it be consistent! Look at the way we do business (that’s the opportunity and the challenge)
24:32 - The Forcefield of Business - I’ve got to work hard, I’ve got to cut corners, I have to be tough, I have to sacrifice.
25:45 - Elizabeth’s work on her calling - that’s uncommon knowledge
29:25 - Why live an aligned life?
43:05 - Discover and articulate your calling
44:44 - What is the ultimate intent of your life?
Contact Info:
Jeff Willmore (IG, LinkedIn, FB) & Richard Condon (IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@jeff_willmore & @rgcondon
Reinventing Entrepreneurship, Reimagining Career, Discovering Connection
Elizabeth Upton (on IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@myobpodcast, @elizabethuptoncoaching
Original music by Adrian Vaca (on IG, FB)
TRT: 49:13
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Living True with Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Welcome back to the Mind Your Own Business Podcast! For the entirety of Season 2 we are exploring one central question – What does it take to live an “Aligned Life” (and what would it allow for)? Join us at the beginning of a very deep conversation with thought leaders, Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon, who collectively have lead over 350,000 people in transformational programs and who have a profound understanding of what it means to be a human being and live an extraordinary life. They are active seekers and investigators of our human design, ontology, and have a keen understanding of how you too can live an aligned life.
Together we discuss the fundamental concerns of what it means to be human. We look at ways to gain access to our blindspots and discuss principles that can get you freed up, so you can live a life filled with power, joy, synchronicity, and experience the miraculous as a regular phenomenon. Get to know them, this uncommon knowledge, and why they do what they do, here on the MYOB Podcast, Season 2. Welcome back to the show!
- Gaining access to aspects of your life that are hidden from view
- Creating power, joy, synchronicity, and experiencing the miraculous
- Understanding how your life can get in the way
- Discovering the 2 points of our life
- What we “inherited” and how that shapes everything around us (and yet we’re not aware of it)
- The experience of inspiration and living true
- Common vs. Uncommon Knowledge
Show Notes:
00:00 - Intro
07:00 - Why live an aligned life?
12:21 - What do you do when you you have no more runway?
14:11 - Richard’s conversations with his Father
15:12 - Living True to something NOW
17:13 - Before you came to planet Earth
18:20 - Inspired vs. Expired
19:38 - “You have never been inauthentically inspired”
20:30 - Inspiration vs. Motivation
21:40 - What is the most important thing that inspires me? What am I going to say is important to me? What ultimately inspires you?
25:36 - It’s important to say that someone doesn’t have to live an aligned life - it’s not a have to. The choice to commit to take it on, is the beginning of being someone who’s up to the challenge of Living True. What did my life fulfill? What was it really about? What did I live true to?
26:06 - I wish I lived more true to myself
29:30 - what we mean by autonomy
34:08 - The origin of the Autonomy Course. Success as defined as working your ass off (“the Game of Business”)
36:22 - Common Knowledge - the more you use it, the more it makes you like everyone else
44:14 - the question of how to live a meaningful life
47:30 - An Inquiry; More inquiry, less certainty - not to get an answer, but to engage with what emerges as I’m asking that question!
49:45 - If you look in the landscape of our World, the impact businesses are making on society is way greater than an individual
Episode Exercise:
Start to explore into the moments (in your real life) that inspire you:
- Look into your real life (not a book or a theory)
- What you get inspired by is absolutely trustworthy
Contact Info:
Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon
IG: @jeff_willmore & @rgcondon
Reinventing Entrepreneurship, Reimagining Career, Discovering Connection
Host: Elizabeth Upton
IG: @myobpodcast, @elizabethuptoncoaching
Original music by Adrian Vaca
IG: @adrianvaca
Duration : 60 minutes
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Uncommon Knowledge with Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Welcome back to the Mind Your Own Business Podcast! For the entirety of Season 2 we are exploring one central question – What does it take to live an aligned life (and what would it allow for)?
Get ready…this is the beginning of a very deep conversation. So deep, we decided to focus the entire season on it! Between the two of them, both Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon have lead over 350,000 people in transformational content. They are active seekers and investigators of our human design, ontology, uncommon knowledge, and have a profound understanding of how you can live an aligned and extraordinary life.
Together we discuss the fundamental concerns of what it means to be a human being. We look at ways to gain access to our blindspots and discuss principles that can get you freed up, so you can live a life filled with power, joy, synchronicity, and experience the miraculous as a regular phenomenon. Get to know them and why they do what they do, right here on the MYOB Podcast.
- Gaining access to aspects of your life that are hidden from view
- Creating power, joy, synchronicity, and experiencing the miraculous
- Understanding how your life can get in the way
- Discovering the 2 points of our life
- What we “inherited” and how that shapes everything around us (and yet we’re not aware of it)
- The experience of inspiration
Show Notes: S2, E1:
00:00 - Intro
04:26 - What is ontological work?
09:00 - One of the principles - People never do anything that isn’t in their self interest - even the most noble things are done out of self interest.
11:00 - A critical piece of Living an Aligned Life includes telling the truth about what has it been aligned with, which very often the answer of that question has not been an answer that’s made me proud. “ ie. getting approval, being comfortable, making $ at any cost.
12:07 - The things that I can’t see, that are hidden from my view I have no access to.
13:00 - Introducing the central question - what does it take to live an aligned life?
13:50 - For the most part, we’re living “an inherited life”. The life we were born into was inherited. Culture, language, family, lineage, history, our biology, the way our brain works, beliefs, world views (and we’re not aware that we inherited them).
20:05 - The constraints of living life - life got in the way!
22:58 - The 2 points of our life. Any idea what they are?
25:25 - What’s the nature of what I would want to align my life with?
Exercise for this week: Ask yourself – What is the nature of what I would want to align my life with?
**Join us as we continue the conversation with Richard and Jeff next week on the MYOB Podcast.
- “Bringing unseen blindspots from the background to the foreground in which you now have access to an infinity of actions you can take from seeing that.”
Contact Info:
Jeff Willmore (IG, LinkedIn, FB) & Richard Condon (IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@jeff_willmore & @rgcondon
Reinventing Entrepreneurship, Reimagining Career, Discovering Connection
Elizabeth Upton (on IG, LinkedIn, FB)
@myobpodcast, @elizabethuptoncoaching
Original music by Adrian Vaca (on IG, FB)
TRT: 32:34
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Welcome Back!
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Welcome back to the Mind Your Own Business Podcast! For the entirety of Season 2 we are exploring one central question – What does it take to live an “Aligned Life” (and what would it allow for)? Join us at the beginning of a very deep conversation with thought leaders, Jeff Willmore & Richard Condon, who collectively have lead over 350,000 people in transformational programs and who have a profound understanding of what it means to be a human being and live an extraordinary life. They are active seekers and investigators of our human design, ontology, and have a keen understanding of how you too can live an aligned life.
Together we discuss the fundamental concerns of what it means to be human. We look at ways to gain access to our blindspots and discuss principles that can get you freed up, so you can live a life filled with power, joy, synchronicity, and experience the miraculous as a regular phenomenon. Get to know them, this uncommon knowledge, and why they do what they do, here on the MYOB Podcast, Season 2. Welcome back to the show!
*Season 2 of the MYOB Podcast is brought to you in partnership with The Autonomy Course and Mission B and is available both in video and audio formats. Enjoy!
If you haven't already, you can catch up on Season 1 of the MYOB Podcast and share it with a friend. You can access it here: https://linktr.ee/MYOBsocial
Friday Aug 06, 2021
How to Stand Out with Publicist Will Armstrong
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Here are some highlights from this episode with Publicist Will Armstrong and host Elizabeth Upton
▽ Why PR is easier now more than it has ever been
▽ Why reaching out to the media is not as scary as you may think
▽ How to pitch, give back, and promote
▽ What to do with every email you send out
▽ How to stand out in someone’s inbox
▽ The Art of Being Gracious
Watch MYOB Season 1 now! All Episodes available on Apple & YouTube!
If you enjoy it, please share it with your friends! If you would take a minute to rate and review us on Apple Podcast, we'd really appreciate it!
Friday Jul 16, 2021
The CREATOR MODE with James Andrews
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Buckle up, we're going to the next level of CREATOR MODE with Entrepreneur and Angel Investor, James Andrews & host Elizabeth Upton on the MYOB Podcast.
Here's a CLIP from the full episode, where we discuss:
⚡️Hip Hop as "The Original Lean Start-up"
⚡️Clubhouse, Culture, and Creating rooms and his 2.4 million followers
⚡️Metaverse and World Building
⚡️Tech Platforms and Promoting your Brand
⚡️Investing and the VC World
⚡️Turning LA into “Creator City” and what's next...
If you enjoy it, share it with your friends! If you would, please take a minute to rate & review on apple podcast 💛
“Culture equals where people are paying attention” - James Andrews
YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/9YU5DxIvy8w
APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/myob-podcast/id1559834460?i=1000528390125
Guest: James Andrews/ @Keyinfluencer (Twitter, Instagram, Clubhouse) Text him: 415-813-8100
Host: Elizabeth Upton (on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Clubhouse) IG: @myobpodcast, @elizabethuptoncoaching
Email us to be a guest on the show to: myobpodcast.show@gmail.com
To discuss your business strategy with Elizabeth click here: https://calendly.com/elizabethupton/strategy-call
PA/Admin Support: Yasmin Senouci / IG: @yasminsenouci
Original music by Adrian Vaca
IG: @adrianvaca / adrianvacamusic@gmail.com
MYOB, Inc.
#myobpodcast #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #businesstips #businessstrategy #strategyactionresults #applepodcasts #elizabethupton #businesstips #mindyourownbusiness #myob #creatoreconomy #socialscientists #worldbuilding #clubhouse #thirdculturekid #globalexecutive #wisdomforbusinessowners #toolsforsuccess #authenticleadership #frenchsalonculture #jamesandrews #culturecode #hustle #tech #culture #hiphop90s #labelexecutive #culturalanthropologist #keyinfluencer
Friday Jul 09, 2021
World Building & The Creator Economy with Angel Investor James Andrews
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Join us at the intersection of tech, culture, and hustle with entrepreneur and angel investor James Andrews. Learn how he amassed an audience of 2.4 million on Clubhouse and his advocacy for the Creator Economy. He takes us back to his days as a label executive during the Golden Era of 90’s hip-hop and how he learned about the importance of understanding who’s in the room. We discuss the concept of World building our own Metaverse (like you would a black box theatre), being a “Third Culture Kid”, and how french salon culture has inspired the virtual and IRL gatherings he hosts today. We discuss his days in “venture capital school”, how he’s building his own social network (as a scientist would), and the legacy he wants to leave behind. Welcome to the show!
- Being a global citizen through a new contextual framework
- Working at the intersection of tech, culture and hustle
- Understanding context and who’s in the room
- The early “start-up founders”
- The importance of curiosity
- Building community, gatherings and experiences
- Turning LA into a “Creator City”
- Understanding culture signals
- Our relationship to money
- Living abundantly
Show Notes: S1, E10:
00:00 - Intro
03:45 - Family life
04:48 - Risk taking: The difference between boys and girls - study on NPR
05:00 - How nineteen year old girls look at the creator economy
07:00 - Woke white mom story/ Identity mash-up mixtape
08:05 - What is a third culture kid? Embracing where you are in the moment, having fluidity and identity with people around the world being a Global Executive.
10:00 - The joy of traveling and seeking out ancient wisdom, the influence travel has on our perspective
11:45 - Being comfortable being uncomfortable
12:30 - Running a Global Network, time zones, when people are consuming content and what people are consuming content, being a global citizen through a new contextual framework.
13:15 - The creative economy and scaling serendipity
13:30 - Snapshot of the global era of nineties hip hop and R&B
13:50 - The ability to read a room
15:10 - Backstage at the Whitney Houston tour
- Step 1- How to work a room
- Step 2- Systems and Networks
17:00 - Living through the nineties and understanding how to build a brand from the ground up.
Working at Columbia records.
20:00 - The birth of the internet, growing up in Palo Alto & cutting class.
21:00 - The importance of curiosity.
21:45 - How we met on Clubhouse.
24:40 - Embracing the idea of room creation, room building, world building. We’re building worlds.
26:00 - Kama nights with Chloe Mackintosh on Clubhouse
30:30 - Jeffersonian dinner gatherings,Soho House Malibu, culture and code
31:00 - Turning LA into a “Creator City”.
37:00 - Venture capital school
39:23 - What do the new creators look like?
40:00 - Creating something that’s going to enrich others lives
40:40- What does culture mean to you?
42:00 - What does true influence look like? Understanding culture signals.
42:12 - Data vs. insights.
54:30 - 2 million followers on Clubhouse.
56:30 - Time is an abundant resource.
- “I’m like an OG third culture kid”
- “I appreciate you. I see myself in you”
- “Making the room where things happen. Making the moments where things happen.”
- “I’m channeling Walt Disney, Hugh Hefner and Huey P. Newton in one archetype”
- “What I’m looking to do is create a metaverse, create these worlds where things happen.”
- “Having access to this incredible network allows us to help people spin up businesses and ideas faster.”
- “Culture equals where people are paying attention”
- “When you understand where you come from, you play a totally different game”
Resources/Contact Info:
Guest: James Andrews/ @Keyinfluencer (Twitter, Instagram, Clubhouse)
Text him: 415-813-8100
Host: Elizabeth Upton (on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Clubhouse)
IG: @myobpodcast, @elizabethuptoncoaching
Email us to be a guest on the show to: myobpodcast.show@gmail.com
To discuss your business strategy with Elizabeth click here: https://calendly.com/elizabethupton/strategy-call
PA/Admin Support: Yasmin Senouci (on Instagram)
Original music by Adrian Vaca (Instagram & Facebook)
IG: @adrianvaca
Duration : 60 minutes